10 Street Name, City Name Country, Zip Code555-555-5555myemail@mailservice.com
mexico city, mexico
56 homes, 179 m2 each
design year
2016 - 2019
mexico city, mexico
this proposal currently under construction, provides an integrated plan for this residential club complex, designing the access portico, club house, green areas, street layout, subdivision and the housing prototypes. the hexagon is a leitmotif of the design, which resolves the uneven sloped topography through the use of contention embankments and retaining walls to create areas for diverse types of housing and common areas. one of these common areas provides an overlook of the valley of mexico, while the other features a green cascade of vegetation spilling over the retaining wall onto the contention embankment.
moritz melchert director / rubén jiménez aybar strategy director / rené cruz project coordinator / enmanuelle rosas coordinator / adair linares senior architect / armando román architect / andrea trejo architect / maría carballo architect / daniela mendoza architect / andré torres visual artist / abrahan mena visual artist
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